Unify in the News

Unify in the News

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11/96Windows Magazine
11/04/96InfoworldJava apps will push NC acceptance
10/96The Unix Developer4GL Generates Java Code
10/96Internet & Java AdvisorInternet & Java News Unify included in listing of application development tools for the Internet
10/96Internet & Java AdvisorNet Watch Unify included in listing of application development tools for the Internet
10/14/96InfoworldVendors flock to show off wares at Netscape's conference
09/96Security Traders Handbook
09/30/96Journal of CommerceIf you can't beat them...
09/29/96The MonitorSoftware firm turns China piracy into legal license contract
09/27/96Journal of CommerceFirm turns China piracy into contract
09/23/96UnigramXUnify reselling BMC's Patrol
09/18/96Bloomberg Business NewsCEO Forum 5 minute segment on Unify. Targeted to the investment and business press communities, the segment focuses on the Unify Software Registration Program with the People's Republic of China.
09/18/96NBC Desktop Video30 minute segment on Unify targeted to the investment community. Segment also highlights the Unify Software Registration Program with The People's Republic of China.
09/12/96Columbus LedgerSoftware companies visit China for trade
9/12/96San Jose Mercury NewsSoftware on mission to China
8/26/96Information WeekJava Tools are Still Brewing
7/29/96Computer Reseller NewsUnify offers Java tool for high-end Web development
7/22/96LAN TimesDeveloper tools build Web support into applications
7/15/96PCWeek On LineSun, Unify to partner on Net C/S technologies
7/8/96PC Week Unify tool adds VISION to the Web
7/8/96Web WeekUnify development tool generates Java client for tiered applications
7/8/96Inter@ctive WeekUnify Net development tool leverages data: What was learned during period of report
7/8/96NetworkWorldUnify jumps on Java bandwagon
7/1/96CommunicationsWeekExtending apps to Web
7/1/96InfoWorldUnify reworks high-end tool, adds Web deployment module
4/29/96Application Development TrendsApps Control From The Ground Up and Roping In Runaway Apps
1/96Application Development TrendsThe Application Management Gap
12/18/95LAN TIMESUnify Tool Fuses Systems and Apps Management
12/11/95Information WeekUnify's AppMan for VISION Automates Building Managed Applications
12/4/95NetworkWorldUnify gets it together on apps management
12/95UNIX REVIEWUnify VISION 2.0 Rapid applicaiton development is alive, well, and ready for UNIX. Unify VISION2.0, it's object-oriented and portable too.
10/95DBMSTravel Like A Native; Unify VISION 2.0 lets you build applications in one environment and port them to other environments without modification.

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Unify in the News
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Last Revised: 2-Dec-96
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